Sands of Faith (absolutely huge in scale, but a little rough around the edges, and had the occasional crash.Before I seriously joined up with a faction I got about 7 enterprises in towns across the map. Viking Conquest (Non static and completely random and frankly bizarre troop movement and several other issues make combat rather infuriating, but otherwise very enjoyable, but even the Reforged Edition is showing it's age, so something like this needs to be attempted with Bannerlord) The Last Days (It's been two years since the last version, and there were some major compatibility issues the last time I played it, given that the mod was developed in the original Mount and Blade, so some of the files are like 10 years old now) The Red Wars (really buggy with some near game breaking bugs, like a disapeering cursor and broken camera movement to name a few, and numerous cdt's from time to time, but I'm hopeful for the next version) Blood in the West (I have not played the full version yet) Bellum Imperii (I have not played this in about a year, so I can't comment on the current state of the mod)

Brytenwalda (hasn't been updated in a long time, and is much more of a slog with really badly balanced combat that doesn't seem all that realistic)

Honorable Mentions and mods that didn't make the cut: Independencia de Chile (this one really fell under the radar, and yes the older versions of the mod were not very developed, however the current version is extremely fun to play, and they even implemented a random map generator) 1860's Old America (it's an old mod now, but damn is it fun to play, and I think it's one of the few mods that has a well development firearm system while still having really good melee, plus the factions are really well designed) In no particular order: -Gekokujo (and related mods/submods like Daimyo Edition)